3 Great Tips of Using a Metal Detector during Your Camping Trip

If you are passionate about finding ancient artifacts in campgrounds, a metal detector can be your good friend. There are several expensive metal detectors available on the market; however, unless you know how to use one properly, it won’t give you the desired results. Though the equipment looks easy to use, you will have to learn using it properly so as to get the highest outcome. Here are tips on how to use a metal detector properly.

Learn about Metal Detectors


Metal detectors are devices that respond to presence of metal that may not appear to the eyes of the user. One of the most basic types contains an oscillator that generates alternate currents that pass via a coil with an alternating magnetic field. Whenever the coil comes close to an electrically conductive metal piece, eddy current are induced in the metal thus producing an alternating electric field of its own. If the coil is used to gauge this electric field, the machine detects the change in the magnetic field because of conductive metal object.

Click here to read the reviews of the best metal detectors on the market.

No matter how simple or sophisticated a metal detector is, the first thing you should do is to read the instruction manual. Using the machine is not as easy as switching it on and waiting for a noise or beep. You have to learn what various sounds mean, how to adjust the machine and maintenance of each part. Here are a few tips.


1. Take Help while Using for the First Time


If you are using a metal detector for the first time, you should seek help from the person from whom you bought it. Alternatively you have to read the manual very carefully. This is important as each machine is different. They can give out different sounds upon encountering with different types of metals.


2. Practice Makes Perfect


If you give up after only the first attempt, it’s of no use. You should practise using the machine regularly. This will make you an expert in using it. Practice will make you aware of the different sounds the machine gives upon coming across a pop can, a coin, a nail and a gold ring, and you can distinguish between these sounds. This will prevent you from digging only to get unwanted items.


3. Find the Exact Place


As mentioned above, practice will make you perfect in knowing the location of any artifact. Further you can practise to find the exact place. Narrow down the area of search by moving the detector from side to side and from front to back until you get a precise idea of where the object is. Digital detectors feature an indicator screen that helps the user to narrow down on the exact position of the artifact.

Use these tips to make the most of your metal detector and that will double the joy of camping for you.

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