Author: Svetlana

Fishing Kit for a Novice Angler

Fishing is widely popular around the globe and for a reason. Not only can it be either group or individual activity, but both people who want to compete and those who need to relax...

How to Choose Ear Protection for Hunting

Hearing is rather vulnerable to damage from louder noises, therefore hunters are particularly prone to noise induced hearing loss. Since a good sense of hearing is extremely important for our general well-being, it’s crucial...

Sleeping Bags Guide – Shapes

Are you ready for a camping adventure? To make sure your experience will be memorable and enjoyable, it’s important to buy an appropriate sleeping bag. Since there are so many sleeping bags available for...

Tips on Buying a Beach Tent

Do you enjoy excursions and outdoor activities? Even if you’re currently looking for a beach tent to provide you shade from the sun, you should know that you’ll be able to use this product...

5 Tips on Saving on Camping Equipment

Camping is cheaper than spending money on luxurious hotels and eating in high-end restaurants. However, if you aren’t careful enough, camping may come with higher start-up costs. Would you like to sleep outdoors safely...

7 Useful Winter Camping Tips

For some people, winter holidays mean renting a romantic cabin heated by a wood stove, while for others, more adventurous ones, it meens a real camping experience. If you’re ready to grab a pack...

Night Vision Devices – Basic Info

Night vision devices can be very useful for camping, especially if you’re going into the wild. With these electronically enhanced optical devices you are able to see even in a dark interior or on...