4 Practical Tips to Make Your Family Camping Trip Real Fun
Camping is doubtlessly great fun, provided you plan it carefully, especially if you have kids with you. Imagine a camping trip without bug spray, toilet paper, flashlight, extra batteries and a fire starter, and it can hardly be enjoyable. Here are practical tips to make a perfect plan so that your camping trip is fun indeed and not a headache.
1. Pack Everything in Clear Bags or Containers
Cool camping means organized camping. And no way will you be organized if you have to dig something out of your backpack just because you can’t figure out where it is. Clear plastic bags are lifesavers for campers as they are lightweight, keep your things safe from weather elements and bugs, and most importantly, show you what is where.
2. Carry a Lot of Glow Sticks
A flashlight is an essential for camping but you can’t carry them in bundles. Glow sticks on the other hand can be taken in multiple numbers. They are wonderful to see and show. Plus, your kids will be amazed with them. Hang them on trees, tent pegs or any other obstacles that can come in your way at night to cause a mishap. Let your kids carry them so that you can see them. If you have a pet with you, attach a glow stick to his body, so that you won’t trip over him in the dark.
3. A Tarp is One More Lifesaver
If you carry only tents with you on your trip, beware – rain can make your trip a total failure! Tents are not enough to stop rain from soaking everything; plus, you’ll need to create a shelter of tarp over your cooking area. It’s a good idea to pitch a tarp even before pitching tents right upon reaching your campsite, so that when rain arrives, you can comfortably cook, sit around the fire without being drenched and enjoy looking at the rain.
4. Set Up a Hand-washing Station
Once you are out in the nature and plan to enjoy it, you have to accept things like dirt, germs and bugs. If you have kids with you, you should be particularly careful because kids’ immunity is not fully developed. It’s better to take care of hygiene. But running every time to the nearest washroom may be a pain for your kids and you as well, and they may avoid it. So, the best solution is to set up a hand-washing station with a reusable soap bottle so that kids can easily use it themselves.
Follow these tips and you’ll enjoy your family camping trip in a true sense.